12 Best Foods To Prevent And Reverse Kidney Damage

Do you have these symptoms of kidney damage? We have discussed all the symptoms of this problem and have 12 best foods to prevent and reverse kidney damage.

Eating the right foods can have a powerful effect on your health including your kidneys from what kind of snacks you have to grab on the go or anything that fuels your body each ingredient creates an impact.

To maintain kidney health it is especially important to be mindful of incorporating kidney-friendly foods into your diet.

In our blog, we have a list of 12 nutritional recommendations that can help protect and reverse your Kidney Damage.

Kidney Damage Problems
Kidney Damage Problems

Our kidneys perform numerous vital tests throughout the body the kidneys filter the waste and surplus

Water from the blood creates urine regulates electrolytes and assists in managing your blood pressure and even your blood sugars.

The kidneys also regulate your pH filter proteins absorb them and eliminate poisons packed for or by the liver.

Another function of the kidney is to create various hormones what are vitamin D and erythropoietin these are the two primary hormones screeded by the kidneys.

So the kidneys are responsible for the lost organ to create the active vitamin D although you can take vitamin D from the diet or from the sun you know the real vitamin D the active vitamin D is created in your kidneys.

Now vitamin is required for calcium absorption bone health and maintenance of your immune system control.

So what does illustrious poison do if you have advanced kidney disease you probably know this hormone because doctors will give it to you because your kidney cannot make it any more right electropoietin stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells so it helps your body maintain optimum oxygen levels through a good amount of red blood cells in your blood.

Your kidneys are always working day and night right they are processing more than 200 quarts of blood and get rid of more than two cores of waste and water.

A healthy kidney filters around half a cup of blood each minute to remove waste extra water and increase urine then passes from the kidneys to the bladder and then after that you know what happens.

The urinary tract includes your bladder your kidneys your ureters right they all have to be healthy the waste elimination mechanism that the kidneys conduct is critical without that the poisons the acids will accumulate in your circulation and your lymph tissue.

This can poison your entire body and cause tissue damage everywhere toxins the extra water unstable pH like acidic pH any high increase in your blood pressure electrolytes that are accumulating like too much potassium too little sodium etc can all place a significant burden on the blood vessels and your heart.

Now more than 40 million American adults have kidney disease can you believe that so what’s our population 300 40 million have kidney disease what majority of them think that they’re just fine and most of them are unaware.

Millions of people have Kidney Damage Problems.
Millions of people have Kidney Damage Problems

 There are various types of kidney disease but chronic kidney disease is the most frequent, especially for a big research factor for cardiovascular disease it’s a chronic condition that doesn’t improve with time either so you have to preserve it.

Now high blood pressure is frequently to blame in addition to your diabetes but additional kidney issues like kidney stones urine tract infections glomerulonephritis which happens with autoimmune disorders are all going to cause inflammation in your kidneys and eventually affect the glomeruli which are the tiny vessels in yourkidneys that does the filtering.

damage kidney

Many people do not notice symptoms of kidney illness until the kidneys are totally failing and there’s a lot of protein in their urine even then their GFR or creatinine will stay stable but having protein in your kidney is a big sign that your kidneys will fail very quickly and you will end up with heart attacks or strokes even before dialysis so take protein in the urine very very seriously.

Now kidney disease symptoms may include if advanced you know you will start getting itchy dry skin you will have urge to urinate frequently you’ll have tiredness and low energy you may have foamy urine because of the protein in there and you may have swelling in your foot and ankle you cannot get rid of the water.

Again diabetes and high blood pressure are the two main causes of kidney damage now both of them harm your nephrons which are individual units in your kidneys.

They are microscopic filtering units that do the job for you now each of your kidneys has approximately 500000 of these filtering nephrons so they function by restoring the vital elements to the circulation or reabsorbing them and eliminating the trash right.

So following a diabetes and high blood pressure-controlling lifestyle will significantly minimize your chances of developing kidney disease along with the foods that I’m going to talk about today of course you try to avoid kidney stones etc as well.

So renal failure or kidney failure can be caused by autoimmune problems as well which are sometimes hard to manage with just diet alone but genetic problems infections toxins, and physical trauma to your kidneys all will cause problems and kidney failure.

damage kidney

Maintaining a healthy weight is an important step and there are so many studies showing that obesity and excessive weight a problems for your kidneys and survival kidneys obesity also increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure but even if you don’t have diabetes and high blood pressure just being obese will increase your risk of kidney failure.

So some measures to lower your risk of getting kidney problems are number one is the exercise which is underrated again most people don’t want to deal with it but it’s great for maintaining healthy blood vessels heart and cholesterol you should never smoke right and because when you are a smoker toxins are released into circulation more and smoking has a lot of toxins now kidney has to deal with it and stay hydrated right so one of the primary causes of kidney stone is lack of hydration.

Kidney Damage Due to smoking.
Kidney Damage Due to Smoking.

So if you are addicted to coffee and sodas or colas you may want to calm down.

And get less of it because it will decide radio so if you’re just drinking colas and coffee then you will not have water in your system as much and you will have an excessive amount of phosphorus because phosphorus is one of the things that kidneys are trying to eliminate all the time so if you are getting colas and sodas even a bit of their diet they have a lot of phosphorus which makes the kidney’s job very difficult.

So avoid the foods that have been extensively processed and refined because they’re a bunch of junk and guess what they have to be eliminated.

The things that are high in saturated fats or trans fats or free radicals too much sugar too much sodium can add to the already heavy strain on your kidneys.

Also even if your kidneys don’t fail you will still end up with obesity heart disease or high blood pressure.

Another thing if you already have kidney disease or signs of kidney disease keep track of your protein intake now a high protein diet can potentially harm the kidneys now some people go on a carnival diet for example right so if you’re a healthy young individual trying to lose weight etc.

Carnivore death for a while may not be a big problem but if you’re a diabetic already dealing with kidney problems that are going to be a big problem your sugars will go down on the carnivore diet but your kidneys will succumb.

So why because high protein ingestion causes harmful ketones and products especially urea and you have to clear these poisons the kidneys will go into overdrive and you’re going to increase the strain on these poor little organs.

The kidneys spend a lot of time needing a lot of water to flush these hazardous proteins byproducts and ketones away eating too much meat also implies consuming a lot of cholesterol and saturated fat as unless you’re eating you know unless you have a lot of money and you always eat the highest quality meat which is not the case for most people.

Then you’re going to end up accumulating a lot of calories a lot of saturated fat and so forth.

Instead, choose a clean plant-based protein most of the time we are not saying don’t eat meat but in moderation and choose plant-based proteins more often.

Also, you can consume smaller amounts of protein like a couple of ounces instead of a whole chicken for example instead of having a you know 16-ounce steak you know you can go over an eight-ounce six-ounce steak right so that will help your kidney and heart function.

Now if you are eating carbohydrates with high fiber that will also slow the absorption that will also help your kidneys deal better with the protein and anything else but here are the 12 best foods to reverse kidney damage.

12 Best Foods To Prevent And Reverse Kidney Damage

1. Red bell peppers

These bell peppers are low in potassium because if you have kidney disease you don’t want to have excessive potassium but you still want to have a healthy diet right these bell peppers are high in vitamin c that are high in folate vitamin B6 and fiber which is most of you need when you have diabetes and kidney disease.

Red bell peppers
Red bell peppers are effective in reversing Kidney Damage

There are a lot of antioxidants that help with energy production blood flow and metabolism throughout your body.

Now red blood cell production is also important right we talked about how your kidney helps with red blood cell production so you will need folate and b6 and that will help.

Now red bell peppers also contain lycopene it’s a potent antioxidant that protects the kidneys and prevents kidney failure.

2. Cabbage

Cabbage contains fiber folate vitamin b6 vitamins vitamin K and the fiber in the cabbage

Other leafy greens slow the nutrient absorption which allows the kidneys and the liver to process the inflow of anything into your bloodstream.

Did you know that cabbage can work wonders in reversing kidney damage? It’s true! Incorporating this simple and affordable vegetable into your diet could make a significant difference in your overall kidney health.

If you have bloating and problems with these foods you have to also ease into them you don’t want to jump into them too quickly or change your diet drastically right away.

But if you can tolerate fiber in these foods prevent blood sugar spikes which is also not good for your kidney disease if that’s happening too often a lot of you think that you’re doing great because your fasting blood sugars are great but most of you don’t realize that you spike after you eat.

Vitamin K is also important for coagulation cabbage includes a high concentration of pizza nutrients which function as an antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory and vitamin K.

3. Cauliflower and broccoli

They have a lot of vitamin C and folate as we discussed important for red blood cells cauliflower is high in fiber and anti-inflammatory chemicals whether your kidneys are healthy or simply sluggish cruciferous veggies are beneficial for them.

They should be avoided if your kidneys are in bad shape or if you have gout though so keep that in mind

4. Leafy greens

Why leafy greens are high in vitamin C folate fiber vitamin K and a variety of phytonutrients that help reduce kidney stress lower blood pressure balance blood sugar and Fight inflammation which is a big thing in kidney disease.

Leafy greens
Did you know that incorporating leafy greens into your diet can be effective in reversing kidney damage? Research has shown that the high levels of vitamins and minerals found in leafy greens can help improve kidney function and reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease. So, if you’re looking for a natural way to improve your kidney health, consider adding more leafy greens to your meals.

Now consider including mustard greens dandelion leaves and turned greens in your diet dandelion in particular promotes urine production cleansing the kidneys and lowering your

Blood pressure.

5. Garlic

Garlic is an effective remedy for reversing kidney damage.

Allison is found in garlic onions shallots chives and leeks but allicin is an organic sulfur molecule with an anti-inflammatory effect it also fights illnesses lowers blood pressure and can function as an antioxidant which your kidneys need.

6. Asparagus

Asparagus especially Asperger’s talks has a lot of fiber asparagus phytonutrients decrease blood pressure and have a cleaning impact on the kidneys and bladder by increasing neural output and breaking down uric acid which is very important to clear from your body.

Is Asparagus helpful in reversing kidney damage?

This is again going to help the prevention of course but if you already have kidney disease you should avoid asparagus since it is high in potassium if you’re having problems with high potassium and high phosphorus and you have an advanced kidney disease then that may not be the best option.

7. Apples


Apples are a good source of fiber they can’t spark your blood sugar if you do too much I agree but the fiber in the apple is particularly effective at binding to and removing toxins from the digestive tract especially the skin of the apple before the body can absorb them so that gives time for your kidney and reduce the burden on your kidneys right.

Apples also lower inflammation and cholesterol levels there you have it three birds in one stone.

8. Berries

Berries like raspberries blackberries blueberries are great for kidney health detox berries are low in calories they once back your blood sugar they are high in antioxidants and are high in phytonutrients which all help protect your kidney cells and nephrons.


They include vitamin C fiber folate and manganese as well as a lot of anti-inflammatory properties.

Some such as cranberry also known to suit the universe system so if you have infections a lot of people drink cranberry juice just don’t do too much to avoid blood sugar spikes but sometimes it can even help prevent infections.

Blueberries raspberries strawberries cherries in small amounts also help in kidney protection and cleansing raspberries especially contain something called elagic acid which is an antioxidant that has been linked to the prevention of kidney disease and even certain cancers.

Barriers overall provide incredible antioxidants and health benefits.

9. Olive oil

Preferably cold pressed nuts and seeds and avocado or avocado oil contain vital fatty acids that reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol and can alleviate the pain of kidney stones It’s interesting.

Some helpful fatty acid-rich oils also are found in moringa oil I have a video about moringa well olive oil is a good source of healthful fatty acids and is phosphorus free which you don’t want in your system when you have kidney problems.

The majority of the fat in olive oil is oleic acid it’s a monounsaturated fat oleic acid is well known for its anti-inflammatory effects.

10. Melons

Now you’re gonna be like what melons are high in sugar well they are high in anti-inflammatories and antioxidants and provide a good source of hydration, especially in summer.

Melons can actually help reverse kidney damage? It’s pretty amazing!

So if you’re out and about you’re at the beach you’re running around eating some melons it’s not going to hurt you right if you’re physically active you’re going to go take a walk eating melons is not going to help your blood sugars especially if you’re eating in moderation because they help cleaning your kidneys your blood and your bladder even watermelon they’re high in water and it’s something called lycopene.

Lycopene is a natural red pigment found in plant cells it not only gives foods like watermelons and tomatoes their red color but it is also a powerful antioxidant that’s why we say keep your plate colorful anything colorful is going to help you They’re full of antioxidants.

11. Ginger

For hundreds of years, the spice has been utilized as a digestive eight right so, especially in China and Japan ginger has been demonstrated to protect the kidneys from diabetes as well even from alcohol and dehydration.

Including ginger in your daily diet can help prevent and even reverse kidney damage.

Now ginger especially when you pair it with thyme may provide even more protection as the thyme has been shown to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels too this is very advantageous to your kidneys because as we discussed elevated blood pressure will harm your kidneys and everything else.

12. Turmeric

 It is related to ginger and can similarly protect the kidneys from harm albedos potassium makes it a little unsuitable for people with advanced kidney disease but still, it is pretty good.

Did you have at least some idea that integrating turmeric into your eating regimen can help forestall and, surprisingly, turn around kidney damage? It’s valid! This astounding flavor has been displayed to have strong mitigating and cell reinforcement properties that can assist with safeguarding your kidneys from hurt. So why not add a sprinkle of turmeric to your dishes and give your kidneys the normal lift they need?

If you’re watching your potassium levels but through the blood right to get the most out of the spice dough combined with some black pepper preparing is the active element in black pepper when piperine is combined with curcumin the main component in turmeric it creates a potent mixture.

Now both of these chemicals have anti-inflammatory characteristics and can help with digestion digestion even your knees and your diabetes that’s why we have that in our advanced glucose support as well as in sugar and the advanced glucose support.

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